Thursday, June 25, 2020

Preparing to Become a Valet Driver

Curtis Hennigar has owned and operated CAH Palm Beach in Boca Raton, Florida, since 1982. The valet parking services provider has established locations throughout the United States, including Minnesota and Vermont. As the owner, Curtis Hennigar oversees all employees and management team activities at CAH Palm Beach.

Individuals interested in becoming a valet should conduct as much research as possible before applying for a position. One of the primary requirements is to have a standard driving license. With this in mind, valet companies are looking for truly experienced drivers, including those who have driven manual transmission, a clean driving record, a professional appearance and demeanor, and completed the Top Valet Online Training Course, along with similar classes. Customer service experience is also valued.

In addition to preparing for the job, individuals must consider their desired location and what that will mean regarding pay and workload. Some hotels, for example, might see very little use at the valet stand, making for an easy but low paying shift. A restaurant just down the street, meanwhile, might park scores of cars an hour on weekends, yielding plenty of tips throughout a hard night’s work.

Lastly, individuals should be aware that in addition to regularly engaging with clients, valets are part of a team led by the team manager. Being able to communicate and get along with this team will determine how many hours per week a valet receives, or whether they will be hired in the first place.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Choosing the Right Type of Valet Podium

A longtime owner of valet parking companies in Florida, Chris Hennigar has also expanded his business reach into Minnesota, Vermont, and Missouri. In overseeing each of his companies, Chris Hennigar strives to ensure customer satisfaction.

The right valet podium can make a good impression on customers. If you don’t want to draw too much attention to the valet service or want to keep it simple and functional, a standard podium is best. These are typically metal and don’t include a point-of-sale system.

To make the valet presence stand out a little, you can choose a deluxe or high-end model, which are usually made of stainless steel. While expensive, these podiums come with a point-of-sale system for tracking vehicles and charges.

Lastly, you can opt for a custom-made valet podium. This type of podium is available in numerous shapes and sizes and is usually best suited for high-end valet services. In using a custom-made podium, valet companies signal to customers that they’re receiving a one-of-a-kind valet experience.